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group Lesson

golf lesson, golf clinic, golf instruction, golf coaching, junior golf, golf professional, indoor golf, newmarket golf, aurora golf, Seymour Golf Performance

Bring a friend, family member or date to enjoy a fun atmosphere learning the game and improve your skills. In this group setting you will understand the fundamentals of the golf swing and short game to help give you the opportunity to PLAY YOUR BEST GOLF and enjoy your time on the course!  

what to expect

  • 1 hour sessions

  • Learn proper fundamentals for ball striking, short game and putting 

  • Technique analysis 

  • Competitive games 

  • Learn how to practice/train

  • Swing data / video analysis 

  • Customized development plan



pricing (2 golfers)


1 hour lesson

3 hour package

5 hour package

*pricing does not include HST*

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